The bachelor of technology (commonly abbreviated as an
undergraduate academic degree conferred after completion of a three or
four-year program of studies at an accredited university or accredited
university-level institution. The degree is conferred in the Commonwealth of
Nations, the United States and elsewhere.
While selecting the college you need to focus out some of
the features like the affiliations and course fees. To pursue engineering it is
very important to check out the AICTE approval for that college. After that you
need to know either the institute is UGC approved or not University Grand
Commission is another educational board which provides their affiliation to
university or college. Beside these two there are some more things to know
about before take the 1st step in the way of your admission. The fee structure
varies for different university. We are giving a small detail of some of the
universities offering distance B.Tech within an economic fee structure. Factors
like weekend classes and time duration is also important. Simultaneously the
instruction media is another critical factor to select any university. Apart
from that personal contact classes and peer learning facility is some other
critical factors in online courses. Peer learning is the education system in
which students can interact with other students by chatting and online
discussing and that is one of the modern demands of this system.
One Year B.Techin Distance education In general, the degree is awarded to those who have
undertaken a degree program which is additionally supplemented by occupational
placements (e.g. supervised practice or internships), practice-based classroom
courses, or associate degrees. Due to these requirements, the degree normally
takes at least four years.
One Year B.Tech in Delhi the Bachelor of Technology degree under
the faculty of engineering & technology is a professional degree awarded
after completion of a 4-year program eight semesters of classroom study which
include seminar, practical and projects. This course is usually offered by an
institute of science and technology or a deemed university (University of High performance
U/S 3 of the UGC Act).
You must have asked yourself this question a lot of times at
some or the other point in your life. In India you are not judged by what you
have studied but what you do after education. The society is more concerned
about the job and pay you get after education and not the intellectual property
you have earned. This article talks about the Top 10 Career Options you can
choose from after your B. Tech. /B.E. If you are a current student of B. Tech
or have passed out recently, then this article is a MUST read for you.
One Year B.Tech in Distance education even if you have
decided on something, it is advisable to explore the other options lying in
front of you. It’s a truth never discussed or told. We prefer keeping silent
and let things happen only to cry later about the mistakes we made. Don’t leave
an option straight forward because it is too mediocre. You don’t need to follow
others but to follow your heart. It's okay if a million other people like you
are preparing for an entrance exam, including your friends! If you believe you
can crack the exam, trust me already bored of studying? Then getting selected
in a decent company visiting your campus seems a good option.
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Online courses- one year in btech distance education Ghaziabad
IMTS Institute